"Mkay. I'm Mileficent." Mileficent said with a small smile. She had to find a suitable place for the kid to rest since they were going to be together for a while. She had heard of a church that was a nice safe haven but to her dismay it was inhabited by a cop. Cops and criminals [i]DON'T[/i] mix. And Mileficent was one. But if she was going to help Kylie out, she needed them [i]both[/i] to be well rested. Plus sooner or later Mileficent was going to need to scavenge for food to feed them, and bringing Kylie along wouldn't be a good thing if she happened to run into a small horde or a group of bandits. "Okay, we need to find a place that's safe for both of us. I've heard of a church that is suitable, but its inhabited by a cop. And.. well..." She shifted nervously, "Me and cops don't reeaaallyy... mix. We don't get along much. But you need a better place to rest that has more security than where ever you were sleeping before." Mileficent thought for a moment. Kylie was a kid. Kids are seen as innocent. Maybe she could use that to her advantage. "Do you think you could persuade the cop into letting us stay? I'm pretty sure no one can say 'no' to an adorable kid like you." She said with a playful tone in her voice and ruffled Kylie's hair laughing a bit.