[b]Alien Incursion[/b] Try as they might, the EA translation computers could not crack the language. It was simply too... alien. When the hacking was detected, they attempted to disconnect the attacking systems to no avail. While it's no secret that EA virtual security is pretty bad, they can usually lock out one or two invaders. After studying the formation of the new contact, it has been determined that they either had preliminary scans of the system (which has minimal security) or were simply here for diplomatic purposes. As such, a single diplomatic vessel was sent along with 20 attack ships, 10 patrol ships, and two battleships. With weapons charged and shields up, they cautiously approach the alien fleet. A single message is played on loop throughout the approach. Containing a pictorial dictionary and the best translation matrix they could prepare, nobody expects it to be that effective. "EA Plantary Defense Fleet 024 to unknown contact, state intentions. If you are the origin of the hacking of our computer systems, you know our language. Our translation technology for some reason cannot understand your own. If that was a test, we have failed. We do not wish for another war right now, you probably already know that we played a role in the recent multi-galactic conflict. Our people do not enjoy fighting, unless the enemy attacks first and struck because of differing beliefs. Please respond, I repeat, please respond." [b]Orc Diplomacy[/b] The president bows slightly, and returns to his normal position after a couple moments. "President Dmitri Saveli, Inferior One at your service. It is an honor to speak with you face to face. To the left of me is Empress... Ablïarsec néïc Dobreuscr... Bœrh Parhynr Lamhirh, who fought as a captain during the Draconian War and earned her title and place as spokeswoman as per Abh tradition. On the other side is the robotic avatar of Master Tactician Ckit-Nah Klen Tah, who was elected by his people to the position of spokesman and earned his place as Master Tactician through military promotion." The Empress and Master Tactician bow as well, but the Master Tactician has a bit of trouble as he is still breaking in the new avatar (Dolphins are notoriously hard to connect with avatars). "It would be an honor to one day have Abh ships fly alongside yours, Overlord." Says the Empress, right after standing up from bowing. "I am always happy to meet another land species, we have much to learn from each other." Says the Master Tactician, likewise. "Now, what is it that you wish to discuss here?"