Name: Kuriyama Rei Age: 16 Appearance: [url=]"Stupidstupidstupid" "Oh. Ji-san thinks you're stupid. I think you're stupid too. Idiot."[/url] Personality: Rei... to some, at first glance, appears to be a rather shy girl. This isn't entirely wrong, she's prone to being quiet and trying to avoid social situations. However... there's far more to her personality then that. Rei will speak politely at some times, but when annoyed she quickly descends into abuse and insults, throwing angry comments and biting sarcasm at the source of her irritation. However... this ends when she's nervous or confronted with too many people. Instead, she speaks through her sockpuppets in these situations. The right one, Ichi-san, speaks politely but will slide into veiled insults. The left one, Ji-san, is foul-mouthed and irritable at all times. Though it's really her speaking through both, speaking through one or the other depending on how she's feeling. Aside from shy, at least. The more people are around her, the more likely she is to talk through her sockpuppets. She's okay with small numbers, or when it's people she knows. And yet she's the more social one of the two. Backstory: Rei, like her twin, was orphaned at a young age to a freak accident involving crystals. It fell to her grandparents to raise the two children. Recently, the two moved out--their own skill is enough to finance a studio apartment between the two of them, though one of Rei's ambitions is to earn enough money to buy a second bed so they can finally sleep separately. Abilities/Equipment: Most of Rei's magical abilities are channeled through her familiars. While they don't speak very much, each is capable of speech and they are remarkably similar in personality to the voices Rei speaks through them when nervous. By charging them with magical power, Rei can fire lasers out of their mouths capable of doing heavy damage to most mundane objects and some magical ones. She can also fire orbs of magic... and they are quite capable of biting. They have sharp teeth, though it's only as powerful as Rei's grip when she's wearing them. The sockpuppets can also detach and fly by themselves working like autonomous sentries or scouts. In these circumstances, Rei can cast some offensive light-based spells, such as lasers, but it's more time consuming then casting with the aid of her familiars. ... Potentially one more character too, um, eh-heh.