[b]Incursion[/b] The crew glanced at each other, as if they may have confirmed that this is the said race the archivers were speaking of. Nonetheless, they quickly concluded that the Admiral in remote command of the fleet should make a return transmission. A communication relay link opens up from the distant ship of the Admiral in charge, channeling towards the tiny fleet and then towards the contact. This time, the message has been translated, and notably different from the previous untranslated message. "Greetings, Earth Alliance." His voice was somehow comparable to a Scottish accent, and of mid 20's. "Normally, we should have ignored making contact with the many species of your nation. However due to special reasons discovered by our archivers, some connection between the two of our civilizations may have been implied. As i can say, the inhabitants of the galaxy your are in, most especially your allies, is quite strong to take down a multigalactic empire. Taking that aside, however, we have little experience on the creation of diplomatic contact protocols, reasons undisclosed. Thus, you shall be the party conducting diplomacy."