Semyon offered a grateful nod towards Tamarind as they made it through the archway with the rest of their companions. Unlike the smaller missions he was used to undertaking, none of the others here were ones he had fought beside... much at all, really. He knew [i]of[/i] some, by reputation or having overheard conversation within the Boston Branch, but 'knowing of' was not 'knowing'. He still didn't know the names of some of his comrades -which would need to be changed- and it made fighting together more than a small challenge. Which made the Wight doubly grateful that Tamarind [i]was[/i] here. Even if they had rarely worked together, she was someone he [i]knew[/i], someone he could easily trust to act fast when needed, and who trusted him to do the same. It reaffirmed the thought that he needed to know his other comrades better. In case those constructs weren't the last things they fought on this mission. With that in mind, Semyon turned his attentions to his surroundings, and more importantly, to his companions. This place was strange, certainly, a pocket of... world... within a library. But his eyes saw tactical value before beauty, and with the only inhabitant appearing docile for the moment, beauty fell behind companion assessment. His pale gaze swept to Nestor first, then, most of their comrades standing nearby the man. He was injured still, without having taken the time to tend to it himself. Well then, that was step one. Semyon moved to store his weapon without removing the suppressor, snapping open the bottom of it's leather holster and carefully sliding the pistol home. Not a good plan in the long term -the wrong movement could end up damaging the suppressor- but it would do for now. Besides, he'd need both hands to dress a wound, no point wasting gauze by being clumsy, and he'd likely need it if that young lady's hellhound-something als- Speaking of the young lady... her hand held something... barely visible, as if a minor glamour were concealing it. It was hard to look at, but now that he saw it, it seemed to resemble a... ... The Wight paused, hand still under his jacket, fingers resting on the grip of his gun. For a second, maybe two, he stood completely, perfectly still. Then his fingers tensed, breaking the stillness, and he closed his eyes. Hands moved to pull the duffel bag off his shoulder and into their grip, and he opened his eyes once more to look for Nestor again, strides taking him quickly over to the injured man. His gaze didn't so much as flicker back to the young lady who had [i]definitely[/i] been the one who's gaze he had felt back in Ireland. With so many people he hadn't met, so many beings of the veiled world, it could have been anyone at first. But after seeing the lady's scythe, after realizing she was a Reaper, 'anyone' became much more specific. An agent of death, did that make her... did it matter? She was working for the company... did [i]that[/i] matter? She helped destroy a construct, and was working to bring someone [i]back[/i] to life, that alone made her a comrade. The thought didn't help as much as he hoped it would. "Mister... Nestor, is it?" The golem-man was moving off as Semyon approached to speak, his eyes passing quickly over the others around the man. They paused briefly at the sight of a slight woman -and elf?- and the quick bandage wrapped about her ankle, but moved on soon enough. She was standing, not in too much pain by appearances, so likely a bad sprain at worst. Which put her as second on the list to be treated. "If you don't mind, while out friend there goes to answer... He called himself Vos'o'los? I'd like to make sure your injuries aren't too severe." Opening his bag with a casual swipe of one hand and laying it on the ground, Semyon drew his medical supplies to the top. His gaze picked out the one who had spoken to him before at that time, now beside the slight elf, then moved back to Nestor. "Your... friend? Companion?" He gestured slightly to the almost spectral figure of the woman, unsure of the correctly polite term. "She voiced concern for you earlier, and I would like allay that if I can."