[quote=Lesli] @Purfect It's fine. Seems you have been thinking about it and that is what I want. People need to consider if a KG is worth it. Its more or less a decided path your character will take and already decide how the character is going to shape up. Already deciding at the start of a character how they will be formed at the start is tough. Some people notice that their character grows in a different way (due other characters, events and etc) then they had expected. Its just some advice to be cautious with that. :) I will try to review your character later. Though can already say that I am highly against a mist that can absorb chakra. Maybe we can think of something else [/quote] i can understand being against the chakra absorption part, but if i may throw up a defense? ^//^" The [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Aburame_clan]Aburame clan[/url] most common insects eat chakra, and some at a higher rate then others. the mist is slower to absorb the chakra, thus the reason its also difficult to detect. understandably the insects dont give the chakra back to the user, but neither does the mist, although a sub ability lets them use the chakra-infused mist in place of water.