Trespiano was a quiet town. Nothing happened except for occasional hoodlum prank, which would be fixed quickly and vanish. The previous day was similar to the day following, and if something did happen, it would be small and barely felt by the citizens trapped in the status quo, which was precisely how everyone liked it. They wanted nothing to do with Mafia, or any of the crazy happenings in the rest of Italy. However, soon something was going to happen, and even if the inhabitants of this dusty town didn't feel the effects, those involved would veer off the average life forever. However, there's no going back now that the wheel of fate turns ever steadily. Jakki Dafne was one of those involved -even if she didn't know it right now. Right now she was staring out her window, watching the sunrise as the first day of summer began. Her room was cluttered with various pieces of her gear. The only thing that wasn't on the floor was a bat carefully exposed to the sun and hidden within the depths of her bag. The sun glinted off the dented metal, and Jak stood to start the day. She dressed, and slid her bag over her shoulder. As she headed downstairs, the Dafne home was unusually dark, even if it was summer. Jak snagged her keys from the kitchen counter and silently vowed to be back before lunch. With that, she was out the door, walking to her favorite place. The batting cages. She'd been practicing there since she was little. She was halfway there when she realized that they would be closed today because of the festival. [i]The school year went by so fast…[/i] she thought, walking towards the noise and music. Maybe she'd have a go at the carnival games that came to the town only once a year. She hummed to herself some little tune that was stuck in her head. Today would be a good day.