Illegal Intrusion above Triarius The Aerial Synth Soldier turned it's head as he marked the rubble, noticing the illegal recovery teams and scanned the black of space, his eyes coming to rest on an unauthorised craft. He began to speak into his radio, as he transmitted his feed "Attentus. Illicita scavengers deprehendi." He reported as he watched them. A Civilis Protectione Velites vessel came over the piece of metal he was gripping a few moments later, looming into view and watching the scavengers. On the other side, a Civilis Protectione Venator ship glided forwards, and as it did it noticed another unauthorised craft. A quick message was transmitted "Attention. You are charged with trespass, level four and theft, level three. Submit and receive your verdict" The Message said as the two vessels glided forwards towards the unauthorised scavengers. Several Aerial Synth soldiers made jumps towards the recovery teams, letting out their barks and grunts as they kept their plasma weapons ready