Traben takes a moment to study the Treant with sharp eyes before glancing to the nymphs, Cassandra, and finally his wolves. He hadn't been quite this far North in a long time, but nothing ever seemed to change. Slipping one arm under Assallya's knees and the other beneath her shoulders, he lifts her gently and deposits her into the Teant's care. Once assured she was secure there, he swung himself down over the side of the vardo wagon, landing nimbly and bending his knees to absorb the impact. "I'll take care of the horse before I come in. I wouldn't mind finding a hot meal waiting for me," he mentions to the nymphs with a smile and a wink as he starts releasing the beast of burden from its bindings. His wolves had rushed to stay at his ankles when he hit the ground, but the horse did not seem spooked by them with the ranger near.