[quote=Paradox_Lord] Name: Zucabr ArrimAge: 20Gender: MaleBirthday: July 13thAppearance: Zucabr is short for his age, and that makes him very self-concious. He has medium, wavy brown hair that often hangs in front of his green eyes. He is clean shaven with an oval face. He usually wears a plain, serviceable shirt, orange trousers, and a large trench coat, in which he stores a variety of machine parts, inventions, and sketches for potential inventions. His shoes are plain workboots, and on his head he often wears a pair of Alchemist's goggles, goggles with attachable lenses that can be moved in front of or to the side of them, depending on which lenses are needed.Profession: MechanistBackground: He was born and grew up in Vorak, the son of a toymaker. He showed a great interest in his father's work at first, but later realized that he wanted to do something MUCH greater. He became a Machinist for the Voraki army, designing and building weapons and giant machines for them. He achieved great fame for his amzing designs, and soon became the head Machinist of the empire. As such, he was now afforded ALL information about military Machina. When he learned what really powered Machina- people's souls- he was disgusted by it and fled to Morr. He lives there now in a small village and makes Machina powered by crude oil for the people of Morr, and experiments, trying to find a "perfect power source" to bring back to Vorak as a replacement for souls as fuel.Nation: Vorak (former) and Morr (current)Skills: Master inventor, skilled scientist.Fighting style: Long range combat, has nearly perfect aim with mechanized weapons and can very quickly reloadTalent (if any): NonePersonality: Very antisocial, will often start sketching while others are in the middle of a conversation with him. Also quite scatterbrained. Passionate about his work and will give long speeches explaining it whenever he thinks he has an audience. Feels guilty about what Vorak has done and is trying to help the people of Morr to try to ease his guilt. [/quote] Character approved