[b]Alien Incursion[/b] "Interesting, nations with little diplomatic experience usually decide to just shoot at us and call it a test. Well, traditionally diplomacy is conducted between two parties face-to-face in the same room. If you accept that, we can make sure the climate of the room is perfect for your species. Our spacesuits are quite comfortable, so it isn't a big deal. A good meeting place would be the largest city on the fourth planet in this system, of course we're also willing to conduct diplomacy using comm systems." [b]Orc Diplomacy[/b] "There is quite a bit of uninhabited space in this galaxy, most of the nations are occupied with taking the remnants of the Draconian Empire. We have a catalog of habitable worlds that we've maintained for nearly three centuries, about 25% of those planets are still uninhabited as far as we know. I can give you their locations." The Empress chimes in, interested in a military partnership. "You mentioned military cooperation, I am willing to have Abh warriors and ships agree to such a proposal. I believe the Dolphins would agree as well." The Master Tactician then spoke. "Of course, we've finally begun building our own ships and we are renowned for our tactical prowess. We evolved in the oceans, so we have a very good understanding of 3-dimensional combat. We also have a much larger critical thinking capacity than the humans, as a result of our natural evolution and genetic enhancement by the humans. Why they haven't done it to themselves has to do with their Common Sense Doctrine." [b]EAS McClain, Fergus' Quarters[/b] Fergus stared out of his window into the gigantic abyss of the cosmos, his eyes fixated on a single point. He had memorized its location, and always gazed at it. Recent reports said it was a galaxy, further away than even the most distant Draconian one. It would take a huge ship with as much negative energy as the entire fleet combined to make it there and back. He never knew why, but that one galaxy had always comforted him. When he was stressed back before humans had left the solar system, he would look up at it and his troubles would melt away for a moment. Now, with his magic powers, he could sense a part of it. An image of a planet, a green and blue pearl like Earth once was. He could not see anything but that world, perhaps it's inhabitants were extremely gifted with magic or an alien relic was left there. Whatever the case, when he saw it in his vision he experienced what was called the "overview effect" by old astronauts. It was a connection with one's species (sometimes god for the religious) felt when seeing one's homeworld from space. Fergus had never felt it until now, but along with this feeling was an intense hunger, a need of some sort. After staring at the tiny dot that is an entire galaxy, Fergus finally figured out what that planet was, and what he had to do. [i]Home. I have to go home.[/i]