[b]Divine Intervention[/b] Faust appeared next to Fergus. Her smile filled the room with warth, her aura washing over Fergus with Magic "It has been a while Ferugs. I see still doing well, I hope your new position as well... Alicorn has been doing you well. You seek something do you? I have seen that look before, and it is the look of someone wanting to seek something." said Faust. [b]Project Reborn[/b] Project Reborn:Notes 002 "The final augments for the Pegasi synth have been completed. Using a new form of a weaker, but organic like Aetherii Alloy we have put covering the bones. Normally we wouldn't do something like this but the bones have been made hollow to allow for speed, so it is needed to prevent crumpling in flight. We have lowered muscle mass around the wings and increased wing span slightly. Standard implants have been also added. We have done the last of the augments and lab tests. We are currently preparing the mock battle tests and are hoping for mass deployment soon."