Name: No name as of yet. Age: In human years she would be considered 16. She was taken by the humans when she was just a hatchling(four years old in human years) and has been forced to do the humans' biddings ever since. Race: Arcus Dragon(rainbow dragon). Though she has the ability to change into a human. Arcus dragons were thought to have gone extinct many years ago, due to the fact they were hunted for their scales. Their scales shine a beautiful rainbow color when the light hits it and at first was just used as jewelry. Though, when people began to figure out how to use the scales as the Arcus Dragons do, to turn virtually invisible when the light hits them, the humans hunted them more and more until all were thought to be gone. But, a small herd of the Arcus Dragons was still alive and in hiding. Though, over the years, through breeding with other dragons(maybe thats how night furies came to be?), as there were not many of themselves left, their numbers dwindled even further. Now There is only one pure Arcus Dragon left; a young female captured by a group of evil humans and forced into many battles against her will. Appearance: [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]