As soon as the Vikings were off of her, the first thing she did was attempt to fly, but that of course failed miserably and painfully with the arrow in her wing. She fell back to the ground, and slowly stood up, limping backwards, growling once more as this new human was trying to step toward her. Her rainbow colored eyes searched him over, and seeing no weapons on him visible it made her a little less worried of an attack by him, but that didn't mean he didn't have hidden weapons or could hurt her without them. Humans had done it to her before. She wouldn't be surprised if they tried it again. As he moved closer, her growls continued and the more he grew closer, the more she attempted to move away from him, circling, never leaving her back to him. Smoke rose from the tight metal muzzle that covered her mouth, as if she was ready to burn him with fire, but the muzzle kept her from doing so, just as it always had when those humans put it on her. It was fairly easy to see the metal of the muzzle cutting into her skin from how tight the human had place it on her, but she ignored it. It was always like that on her anyway, so she had grown rather used to the feeling of the pain. Not that it was a good pain. Far from it actually. But the other pains she was feeling from the wounds she got from the battle drowned that pain out easily. She slowly circled around, her rainbow eyes hard on the human and when she felt the dragon behind her now from her circling, she jumped and turned her attention to the dragon, hard eyes on it, seeing him as more of the threat the human. After all, this human controlled him, correct? So, the human could easily get him to attack her. She was smaller than the male dragon by just a little bit, and unlike her, he had ways to fight at the moment, but that didn't mean she was going to make herself an easier target. She bent low, growling under her muzzle louder before she lept forward, and doing the only attack she could do right that second, head butted him in the chest as hard as she could, which in reality, wasn't very hard considering how weak she was at the moment. Just the exertion from that one act made her whimper and shake her head as she fell down. Though after a moment, she was back up again, weakly moving away from the dragon now, though it seemed he and the human were going to give her no ways of escape because soon she found herself backed against the bottom of the nearby cliff, against the rocky wall, more whines escaping her now as she attempted to stay out of both of their reaches.