Char nodded, her head bobbing slightly as she kept her gaze focused on the ground. That is until she felt the light touch of her roommates fingers on her chin. She slowly let herself look up and gaze into Mila's dark eyes. [i]“Hey, are you feeling alright? You look a little out of it… I hope I didn't keep you up too late last night.”[/i] Smiling gently Charlie shook her head, a slight, unconscious motion as she nervously tugged on her shirt. "No, I-I'm fine. Just not feeling the best this morning, I'm not use to staying up incredibly late." Crossing her arms subconsciously over her chest, she felt the slight pressure of Mila's smooth fingers release her chin. "It's really no big deal. I'll be fine in a bit." As if to prove her point, Char stretched out her arms and rolled her shoulders. Graciously accepting the plate, Char seated herself at the island with a surprised, casual smile. "Holy. You shouldn't have, this looks delicious." With raised eyebrows she looked up at Mila through thick, dark eyelashes. "You really didn't have to make me breakfast, it was my pleasure and you can thank me in rent." The idle joke came paired with a dainty smile that floated across her lips slightly as she gathered some egg on her fork and gently took a bite. "Damn, where did you learn to cook? This is amazing!" Charlie's eyes widened as the taste of warm, peppery eggs exploded against her taste buds. It was one of the best breakfast she had ever eaten, and that included her grandmother's Christmas extravaganza that took place every year. "Yeah, I tried the whole vegetarian thing back in my hippie days in high school. It didn't last I like chicken way too much." Charlie laughed, a genuine sound like tinkling bells, and picked up a piece of bacon. "Mm, yeah." She mumbled, trying had not to seem rude and barbaric with bad table manners. "I was planning on cleaning up some and I have a couple songs that I've been meaning to learn for a show next week." She explained after carefully chewing and swallowing her food. Sitting her chatting and making idle conversation felt almost normal, even though Mila was pretty much a complete stranger. Char felt drawn to her, like a moth to a lamp. She had an oddly captivating and interesting aura that made you want to get to know her. "I'll probably also stop by the grocery store and get some stuff." She tried to think of the last time she had actually gotten a bunch of groceries. "I've been a little negligent in that area lately..." Char breathed a slight laugh, shaking her head slowly. "If you want anything, feel free to write it down and I'll go pick it up." Spinning around, Char hopped off the island chair and made a grab for her dishes, momentarily forgetting about the weakness in her legs. That is until she stumbled slightly, losing the grace she had just before exhibited, and was forced to grab onto the counter to support herself. "Jesus." She swore softly before glancing up at Mila and turning a fierce shade of red. "That was slightly embarrassing." She murmured with a sarcastic laugh. "Not exactly smooth on my feet." By this time she had regained her footing and was making her way towards the sink with her cleared off plate. "This was really good, by the way. You should teach me how to cook sometime." Musing softly she set her dishes in the sink for later. "Oh, and if you need any help her is my cell number." Grabbing a piece of scrap paper and a pen she scribbled the number down and held it out to Mila who was making a suggestion for later on that night. "Oh, yes! A movie would be great," She had turned around and pulled herself up onto the counter, still not trusting her clumsy self. "And wine, duh. Any good 'night in' slash celebration wouldn't be complete without wine." She absently kicked her feet, letting her heels gently thud against the counter as she thought. "I can pick up some five dollar movies at Walmart today too." She murmured, casually talking aloud as her brain started to compose a mental list of everything she needed to do that day, starting with cleaning up the apartment. "Do you have any movie preferences?"