[center] Jecht frowned and placed his hand on Trixxtal's drooping shoulder. "Maybe they aren't home?"he comforted. "Let's just wait inside." Not at all feeling bad about breaking into a house Jecht took his free hand and reached for the doorknob. To his surprise, it opened with ease. "Oh, the door isn't locked. Let's go inside."he suggested, dragging his first mate inside his brother's home. Jecht couldn't believe what he found inside. "Everything is...destroyed."he whispered, looking at the remains of the house. The outside looked perfectly find without any signs of damage but...it was like a tornado attacked the inside. Chairs were flipped upside down, a table was broken in half, glass was scattered everywhere, blood was stained on the carpet, and there was so much that Jecht could see wrong with this picture. Giving his dear Trixxy a sad look, he knew that they couldn't just continue staring at the damaged house. "I'm so sorry..."he muttered sadly. As a leader he understood that during hard times, it was best not to show any inner feelings of panic or anxiety. "I'm going to search the house and see if I find anybody or any clues to what happened." With a lot of hesistation, he left Trixxtal's side and began to inspect another room. Jecht didn't find anything special in the first room, but when he went to check a second room... "Trixxtal...!"he called out urgently, amazed at what he found. There, sleeping on a bed, Jecht saw a young boy. [/center]