[quote=Tachi] @TheBeggar: Honestly, interesting as it is, I don't see that summoning ability working in this setting. In addition, I'm not sure I like the idea of a character who, if I'm reading this correctly, won't interact with others, either through conversation or sharing missions with them. As he is, I can't accept this character. Sorry.[/quote] He won't directly try to interact with others, but he accepts any and all missions involving natural crystals. It's quite easy to have mission like that, or create other events. He's not seeking to avoid others, but at the same time he doesn't have much interest in others. It's more that no-one in the guild has tried to become friends with him that he's by himself, rather then his total avoidance. Alright, I really want to use summoner roulette however, so I'll keep it and have it spawn 5 different items instead of creatures. Additionally, do I need to change my Reaper ability? It's technically a transformation rather then a summon, but does it interfere? EDIT: I adjusted my decision with the Reaper form, it's a living being inside the weapon. However, it's transformation isn't a living being, it's another weapon. That should be fine right? Also i fixed up summoner roulette. I'll think up a familiar as well.