The Treant lifts her high into the air and delivers Assallya to a second story balcony where a young woman who appears to be clad in nothing more than a black fur bikini waits with a small bed. Assallya is lightly deposited on the soft mattress by the tree. [B]"Hello Assallya, I'm Darkmoon and I'll be taking care of you till my Mistress sees to her other guests. Please don't make a fuss about loosing the pretty Ranger as I'm quite sure he'll visit you soon"[/B] says the raven haired beauty while the bed moves inside the room and takes position along a wall among others. Darkmoon walks across the room and fetched a goblet which she brings back an presents to Assallya with it. [B]"Here's a nice wine to enjoy as we wait for your ring to regenerate your wounds" [/B] says Darkmoon