Angel tried to focus on the S'ilthram, she honestly did, but the puppy’s disappointment had caught her eye’s corner. He seemed saddened by her lack of attention, made worse when he whined disapprovingly, and shortly had rolled onto all fours before he plopped down to lay. He seemed rather bored with the event as his head dropped upon his large paws and started to sleep. She couldn’t help but feel rather guilty for ignoring the puppy, even if it was for a good reason, her mind turned back to the reptile still holding the flame ball within his claws. He seemed to examine her features a bit, be it out of surprise or curiosity, she couldn’t tell. As the S'ilthra’s words unfolded what happened to date, in a short list, Angel’s head only tilted in bewilderment and interest. Part of it sounded fun but not all of it, namely the being clubbed on the head, robbed, and possibly killing who she guessed had been responsible for the event. Finally she was relieved when the creature decided to put away his flame at last, her ears perked upon learning a few things about the puppy, especially his name, when the S’ilthra moved to talk with a robed Elf. The white porcelain skin and long hair, he looked more like one of King Eyres’s scholars then a fighter or a druid, at least not at all like her father from the picture Merthias had shown her. Angel couldn’t help but wonder why he was traveling with them at all. That was when she heard someone else speaking, catching her attention now. Her eyes set on a Rakasha, the coat spotted like an Ocelot, commenting about her arrival and even her state of mind. Inwardly, Angel had a feeling the question wasn’t meant for her as it was for the others yet she answered it anyways. “Insane? I don’t think so, but then again, there are worse things to be then being insane. That’s at least what Glif told me once but I doubt my brother agrees with that.” Her voice seemed a little amused at the idea, even a small smile had crept on her lips. That’s when the man in armor caught her attention. At the sound of his voice, Angel’s head turned to face him as his mind seemed to absorb her name. He seemed rather friendly, his arms crossed coolly before his head tilted down and made eye contact with her. She couldn’t help smiling when he introduced himself, giving her something else to call him other than Tinman, her mind noted the armor, as offered his friendship before helping her up. Angel rose slowly at first then placed her hands behind her back while she bounced on the balls of her feet and heel in a slightly childish pace. “I’m not too worried because the worse they will do is hurt me. They wouldn’t have been the first unfriendly people I’ve met or the last, Merthias is mainly worried about me getting hurt.” She said the first part in a worry freeway tone and added her gratitude on time. “Thanks for the help.” She told him kindly in return. Her head tilted to the side where she looked past him and noted the burial rites which took place, her glance only brushed over the scene for a moment then came back to De. “What happened?” Angel asked when one of them went inside, her finger edged from her back and pointed at the makeshift pyres.