Art’s plan was going forward as the two students had entered contact with the Los betas and began taking chase. Art was hidden in the forest lying in wait for his trap to be sprung. Just as he predicted the betas guarding the assembly hall chased after the Canard’s in an undisciplined fashion. The Valsione’s seemed to want them alive as they avoided aiming at vital points but were poor shots. Suddenly the sound of a blaster firing twice rang out and the two mechs were obliterated. The blasts belonged to a red Autobot carrying a young girl in the other hand. The hell did they come from? Art wondered [center]* * * [/center] Shin was hiding in the bathroom stall praying no one would enter. Jeez can’t a guy head off to take care of business in peace without risk of getting shot? He thought. A more important concern crossed his mind, his friends were out there. He didn't know what these guys wanted or who and a lot of weird stuff was happening with the school incident and this could be connected. Shin was utterly powerless in this situation and he hated every second of it. His thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of footsteps. Ah crap Dream had left his captive audience after making his declaration for using the bathroom. While he began entering the room he noticed a stall door was locked. “Get out!” Dream shouted as he drew his weapon. “Dude I know you’re a terrorist and all but can’t you at least let a guy go on bathroom break?” The student said obviously lying. Dream recognized his voice and realized he was the boy Asuna paid attention to rather than him. A dark impotent rage filled Dream. He shot the door open and dragged the boy away with his gun still on him [center]* * *[/center] “What were you doing?”Hot Rod shouted. He was far from thrilled with the fact a Titans officer was using two of his new friend’s classmates as live bait. “I was drawing the terrorists away from the Assembly machine. We've thinned the ones holding our superiors hostage, now we can soon take steps to begin extraction from the area.” “You could have asked anyone in the staff rather than two students to get involved in combat.” “Didn't you say you were headed towards the hanger Robot?” “For her own safety, we were being chased by two of those things earlier and we don’t know when they might start shooting, I’d get one of the powersuits but those training GM’s seem to have better armoring” “For all I know you could have been planning to use her as a meatshield, hell how do I know you Autobots aren't working with them!?” Art began shouting “Are you nuts? We would never work with terrorists, especially not these goofballs!” “Whatever, but remember this, these students are training to be soldiers. They’ll face war eventually whether you’re holding their hand or not machine. “ Art began walking to his Mobile Suit “This Machine has a name pal!” Hot Rod said to his back “Just stay the hell out of my way; I’m going to take these insurgents on my own seeing how you lack the guts to do what’s necessary.” “No way am I letting you go out there to put more lives at risk, you’re the one who uses people as shields!” “I was using them as bait, big difference.” Hot Rod gave up arguing, this guy was a real piece of work. If this was what the Titans were about he’d have no part in working with these psychopaths. “You’re okay!!!” Emilu began shouting as she was hugging the life out of Asuna. While the life was being choked out of her Asuna managed to cough out a question “W-where’s Shin?” “We thought he went looking for you?” Erisia said eyes wide with shock. “Maybe he had to go?” Emilu said dorkishly “Then he’s a hostage just like everyone else” “Does this mean we have to go with the angry Titians guy?” Asuna asked “Ugh not that psycho” Emilu groaned “What other choice do we have?” Erisia said flatly “Aw we’re gonna get lectured again” “Your right Erisia...we have to do what we can to help rescue everyone” Even if this guy is just looking out for his next commendation Asuna thought to herself. Art took his Mobile Suit into the city and began charging at the closest Los Beta’s mech he could find, its weapons bounced off his armor like pellets. The soulless eyes of the mech betrayed the fear the pilots felt in his heart. Art cared for nothing but slaughtering him like a pig at a barn, his bloodlust was spurred on by what the Autobot had said to him. Yeah he was using the kids as bait, so what? He knew his superiors had a lot invested into acquiring them but if they couldn't survive fighting these rejects they aren't worth the time it takes to groom them to be soldiers. He was willing to do what it takes to accomplish his objective; no machine has the right to tell him what to do. The Los Beta’s mechs irritated him in a different way, they were soft and weak. Every flaw he saw from the machine he had been arguing with prior personified in a single unit cranked up. It was as if God himself was mocking him with these monstrosities. He quickly drew his beam javelin to bring this cosmic joke to bring it to a screeching end. The Black Gundam swung the weapon at the cockpit of the Humanoid mech, it attempted to protect itself from the melee assault by raising its arms but they merely melted away. Art then fired his vulcans into the armless heap standing in his way, causing it to explode then crash into a nearby building. In its stead two more Valsione's came at him with bladed weapons. Art in turn put away his javelin and unsheathed both of his beam Sabers. Before the Beta’s mechs could move any further Art dashed and swiftly chucked both sabers into the cockpits. Art began laughing wildly at his victory. [i]This is one hell of a workout![/i] Preet began tying the young man Shin to his mech all the while babbling. “You made me do this! You caused her to break my heart!” Said Preet “What are you talking about? Preet you need to calm down man you can still stop this-“Shin was cut off from his attempt to reason with this lovesick madman “SHUT UP! Look at you trying to be Mr. nice guy to the end! [b]I’M A NICE GUY TOO[/b] , why does she care so much about you?” “Preet seriously I don’t know what you are talking about. Just let me go and call this shit off man” “[b]NO[/b]I have a new lover and new power with her; I’ll take Asuna's precious Shin and destroy him for all to see!” “He’s right; you should let him go Preet. “ Said a cutesy feminine voice came from his mecha “No he’s humiliated me, they all have. I told you before Preet is no one’s Cuckold!” “This is going too far Preet, he seems to be really nice, and you aren't. No wonder girls like him more” “Shut up! Don’t you dare criticize me! I brought us this far already! I won’t stand for dissent even from you!” “Preet your being scary, I don’t like you when you’re like this” You said it sister thought Shin “I said shut up! I know what the fuck I’m doing!” “Preet please dude, this is fucked up enough. Just bring an end to this craziness” Shin said again trying to negotiate “Oh I will end this, along with you and everyone else who laughed at me with it ahaahahahahhahahahahhahahahahah!”