Like his adversaries, Ethan was so utterly shocked by the appearance of this nude-cat-human thing that for a good thirty seconds, he did not even realize that the boy was no longer on top of him. He watched the fight, if such a one-sided confrontation could even be called that, incredulously, his mouth gaping open in shock. But Ethan was an intelligent teen, and despite his shock, he had enough presence of mind to see an opportunity here. “I hope you like my invention. Now get out of here, assholes,” he commented coolly, staring right into Matt's eyes. That insane little bit of ad-libbing was enough to send the other kids running, much to Ethan's amusement. He was not sure who had sent this weird robot, but he would have to thank them. “Who are you? What are you?” he asked the strange nude being, looking up at the cat-like thing. “Who sent you? Why did you save me?” The idea that this creature was a magical youkai of legend was completely alien to him, right now the working theory was that the thing was a robot. Or that he was hallucinating and had imagined the whole encounter. He actually had no idea what was going on, and it was only by a miracle that he had been able to pass off the whole encounter as something he had planned. “Oh, and sorry for calling you mine or whatever, I was just trying to get them to go away.” [i]What am I doing, talking to this thing?! I really am going crazy. It has to be a robot or something. But I don't know of a robot that can move like that. And I don't see any mechanical joints and servos. What the hell is this?[/i] he thought, trying to understand what was going on.