Jakki had been humming a lullaby from her father when she heard yelling from behind her. Jak turned to see a girl she'd never seen before asking for directions. [i]She must be new around here.[/i] she thought. The thought itself made her laugh a little, the most exciting thing to ever happen around here was a girl moved here and was asking for directions. "The market? Well, I think they might be closed today, because we're having a start of summer festival, but I think I can take you there. I was going to practice today, but the batting cages are closed." Jak smiled, might as well show the new girl around as well as find something to do before the festival. "I wouldn't mind if you just want to head straight there, but Trespiano is kind of tricky to navigate this time of year because of the festival." Jakki tried to pin down the other girl's accent. American? Maybe, but Jak had only seen Americans on television so it was a rough guess at best. "You're from America, right? I'm sorry, but I've never met an American before." she laughed a little. Hopefully the girl wouldn't be bothered by her interest. Americans were interesting to her because of baseball, how enthusiastic they were about it. America's national pastime and whatnot. She hoped to play there professionally someday, so she tried to learn about it as much possible. America just seemed so exciting in comparison to everything here. Not to mention… she could run away from the graveyard just outside of town that kept reminding her to visit and mother.