Jarmin finished her song before announcing "I'll have to go on a break for an hour now I'm afraid! Come back at 9:20 for more! There's plenty of food and drink to keep you going until then!" She then hopped off the stage and signed a couple autographs with her left hand writing: JJ in swirly text. She trotted up to keep pace with Voltus, his figure towering over hers, she was only 5"3. "I-I'm sorry a-about all t-the people laughing at you." She stammered. "I think i-i-it's really brave that y-you're in the army." Damn, she thought to herself, she was speaking to the heir to the throne and was stammering, she tried not to appear awkward, but it was hard, she was speaking to a person in great power, which made her nervous and he was quite handsome and strong. Jarmin grabbed onto her arm and shuffled from side to side, avoiding contact with his electrict blue eyes.