[b]Divine Intervention[/b] Fergus was not all that shocked, after all the things he's seen being talked to a a deity again is nothing surprising. However, it was a little strange talking to a clearly superior being as if she was an old friend. "I'm sure you know of our legends, that seeing one's homeworld from space gives them a feeling of connection to their species. Well, I just felt that for the first time. There's a planet many galaxies away, I can see it with magic. Looking at it, I didn't see an alien world unknown to me, I saw home. It also brought back memories from the Common Sense War, I've never told anyone, but I was completely prepared to wipe out the human species to save the rest of the galaxy from it. I had hallucinations, they were to real for me to ignore. It was always the same person, a woman who was clearly not human. She was telling me not to do it, to give humanity a chance. Obviously I followed her advice, nowo I think her and this planet are somehow connected. I just have to go there, it's where I belong, I can feel it." [b]Orc Diplomacy[/b] "Of course, the locations will be sent to your ships immediately." Said Dmitri, tapping a button on his watch. "As for intergalactic comms, we have an extensive network already set up using captured technology. Just send the message to one of the comms orbitals and include the destination, it should arrive about six minutes later." [b]Incursion[/b] A landing pad lit up, next to what would appear to be a normal house. In fact, it was the governor's residence. A message was sent to the ship, asking for it to send down a shuttle. ((Sorry for short post, I lost the original by accidentally copy-pasting the whole thing away. Also, yes, we should definitely do something with the similarities.))