Okay, so she had to admit. Maybe there was some fear in her of this tiny human. She hadn't thought there was, when she was standign for enough back, but the more she drew closer, the more she felt like she wanted to run away. Humans had gotten rid of everything she cared about. Had scarred her. Had beaten her down. Had almost killed her on more than one occasion. They had kept her away from her skies and her freedom for over twelve years. They had all been so evil to her.To try and trust a human, for a human to even be worth trusting, was something she thought to be impossible. But there was something about this human in front of her that made her somewhat [i]want[/i] to trust him. Almost instinctively. Almost like he was one of her own kind. Which was insane, but it just felt that way. She drew a bit closer, she bent down, ready to jump away if he pulled out a weapon suddenly, but he seemed to not make any move to harm her. So, she carefully continued forward, and when she was a short distance away from him, he reached out. Even though the gesture had paused short of touching her, it still made her jump back a few paces, flinching away for a moment, before her eyes looked back to him. He just stood there, with his hand reached out toward her. She looked over at the male dragon and when he nodded toward the human, she looked back at the boy. Cautiously she moved forward again until she was at him and carefully sniffed his hand for a moment, in search of some trick or weapon. When she found none, she slowly allowed her head to touch his hand. It was a good feeling, surprisingly. The touch was gentle, unlike how those beastly humans had been with her, and the contact made a soft purring noise come from the dragoness as she rubbed her head against his hand more, enjoying the feeling.