The super-sized Fairy smiles cheerily with the arrival of a new person, immediately forgetting she had been in a conflict at her strange words. "Stop? Stop wha- WAH! A fair? That sounds fun~! Nice swords!" After her short, scattered outburst, Aes'tille begins drifting off towards the entrance, spinning slightly so to absorb as much as her enviroment as possible. Her size begins to decrease gradually as she flies, eventually reaching its initial size by the time she reaches the door. Suddenly, she stops, turning back around with a visibly confused expression. She pats her back experimentally, soon realizing that she's left her sword somewhere and couldn't see it. She raises one of her hands, releasing a slight pink glow from her fingers that trails in an almost smoke-like manner across the bar and behind the counter. After a moment of stillness and quiet mumbling, her expression brightens up and she pulls the violet "string" back with a fork attached at the end. The seemingly ordinary fork rapidly returns to her hand, flying through the air like a bullet before landing casually in her let hand's grasp. The fork is quite large in comparison to her fairy-sized body, but she still holds it with a single hand, admiring its silver sheen briefly before redirecting her gaze back to the forgotten crowd, particularly the girl with the swords. Something itches at the back of her mind, but she can't quite remember why everybody looked so shocked...