The scratching on her head felt nice. She could somewhat see now why the Nightfury had leaned against the human when he had been scratched. It was a comforting gesture that relaxed her and made her calm down just a little bit. When he said she might make Toothless(she assumed he meant that arrogant male dragon of his) jealous, she snorted, as if showing she could care less what the black dragon thought. Instead she rubbed her head against his hand a little more. But it was when he moved his hands to the muzzle that she tensed. It hurt, even for his fingers to just lightly brush the flesh around the edges of the metal, but she allowed him to touch it anyway, a soft whine escaping her throat. He seemed unsure about the muzzle and she worried this human wouldn't be able to get it off. What if she never got it off? She wouldn't be able to eat or drink or breath fire. She would die.Though, her worries subsided a little when he stated he thought he might be able to get it off and needed to go get something to do so. She sat down, watching as he got upon his dragon and took off, flying back to where she assumed all of the humans lived. As she sat there alone, her mind wandered. Maybe she could change? Would she be able to get these things off then? She NEVER changed in front of humans, which is why she hadn't done so when the human boy had been there. Nor had she, the whole twelve year she had been captive by those human, transformed there either. Her mother had warned her against it. She said the humans would take advantage of her if they found her in her weaker state. Her human like state. But, now that she was alone, surely she would be safe? Only, when she tried, her body wouldn't change. She chalked it up at first to the fact she hadn't done so in so long, but soon after trying harder, came to the conclusion it was not her fault she couldn't transform. The tight muzzle and tight saddle, as well as the other restraints, were so tight upon her that her body [i]couldn't[/i] shift. She whined more and shook her head. Things were just not going well for her today. She layed back down int he grass and spread her wings just a little, fighting the pain in her right wing, when she felt the clouds blocking the sun move away. The sun shined down on her and it felt wonderful. She had missed the warmth of the sun on her scales so much. She made a content sound and soon her scales, reflecting the rainbows, and she willed the light to work on the surface of her body until the scales began to flicker slightly and reflect the light until the dragon herself, as well as the items touching her, vanished from sight. She was solidly there, but invisible to sight for the moment. When the human dragon rider and his dragon finally touched ground once more, she stood up from where she was and walked over to them much calmer than she had before, though they couldn't see that. It was only when the clouds moved back in front of the sun that she flicked back into sight, sitting right in the front of the human and looking down at him with her rainbow eyes.