The metal clad giant stood at the top of the cliff side, overlooking the sandy expanse before her. A small grunt came from it. She suspected her old master would like this place. It reeked of death. Nothing survived here, it seemed. The head of the steel giant slowly turned downward, overlooking the skulls of long dead monsters. Demons, dragons, humans. The three greatest horrors of the world. A small sound, possibly a scoff or a cough, escaped it, the only sound other than the steady breathing beneath. These things were some of the worse things that had happened to the world, the former two for obvious reasons. Humans, though, they were in their own category for what they had done, and what they could do. But those were thoughts for another time. Slowly, carefully, the woman lifted a foot and placed it down on what looked like steady ground. The stones creaked and groaned beneath her weight, but held firm. She placed her left hand on the wall of stones and bones to steady herself, the other hand holding a very large hammer, resting it on her shoulder. The bright steel covered her entire body, the metal plates thick in every spot. The pauldrons were nearly as thick as her chest, and the tassets were extremely, looking like a ridiculously large metal skirt over the thick legs. The helmet covered her face entirely, the only way to see a series of holes over the front, pointed top half of the helm, the smooth skull of it holding her head snugly. She stopped dead in her tracks as the hissing began. A grumble escaped her as it did so, and she looked over to make sure the other woman was doing fine. Seeing that all was not entirely well, she allowed herself to slid down, her hand gripping the slope side once more to slow herself. Once that was accomplished, she reached out and grabbed the back of the girl's neck, pulling her back to steady herself. The giant remained silent as she did so, and then glanced over to the nearby skeletons. They would be upon them soon. Her grip tightened on the hammer as she glanced from side to side. It would not be a fun fight.