[quote=Voltus_Ventus] The knee brace was determined to stay no matter how Voltus fiddled with it, so he decided to rip it off igniting his knee in pain, dispute this he got back to his feet and limped towards the main doors anxiously looking from side to side hoping no-one would see him limping so badly, he arrived at the stairs to the main doors and looked down it is knee and up at the door."damnit." he mumbled to himself, grabbing hold of the rail and hauling himself up, each step sending spikes of pain through his knee.He staggered down the corridor to his room the pain hurting more then when it was freshly wounded, 3 men came storming down the hall all masked like the lunitic from before and all armed. Voltus mowed two of them down before he ran out of ammo, hi slipped into cover behind a marble piller and stayed there as the goon started to fire at it, chipping away marble fragments. Until the gun made an empty click sound. Voltus turned out of cover and threw his dry pistol into the madman's face sending him to the ground clutching his nose which was gushing blood. With one smooth movement Voltus picked up one of the other assailants guns and blew the idiot's brain out.Voltus finally got to his room, the bandage around his chest from the near fatal gunshot soaked red, his face paler then usual, he threw open the door and shut it behind him slowly slipping down it to rest on the floor, breathing shallowly, back to the large oak slabs. [/quote]