[b]James MacAllan[/b] "Alright. I'll keep it." He closed the lighter and placed it back into his belt before tucking the ciggie inside one of the pockets. He took a good heave of the cigarette and blew the smoke into the air before the sound of a rowdy metal can be heard from the distance. Mac looked towards a nearby window but quickly back to the clinic. "Ahha!" Slade shouted out. Mac followed where he had heard Slade. He turned the corner and saw the gold mine in front of him, and around Slade. He quickly lugged over. "We got ourselves a gold mine! Got another bag?" Mac gave Slade a hand stuffing the only bag with supplies and bandages before heading out and looking for more bags. "Now all we need is rations, food supplies. Are we heading out to find the kitchen?" ---The OGRE Titan--- It patrolled around the clinic vigilantly, periodically stopping and checking its perimeter before continuing its duty. It's chaingun was pointed towards where-ever it looked like a guard dog waiting for its master to return. Location: I 07 inside Clinic. [b]Amamiya[/b] She could hear that explosion and the crashing of what seems to be a car. Her movements were halted and turned the other way. She headed north towards the village, before spotting the giant robot-thing lugging about the village nearby perhaps looking for his target. If Amamiya was caught, she would certainly be chum meat for this big robot-- She had to be careful. She continued her advance, remaining wary of the threat. Location: C 03.