Dinobot: Location: E6 the ground gave under neath the force dinobot landed. he quickly switched into beastmode and started hunting in the thick trees "a sick game, for a demented game master, it seemes I have no alternative but to play along" he spoke softly to himself seeing the mountain summit to the south "higher ground...." still staying in the brush dinobot continued towards the mountain ending: E6 heading to F6 Caboose: Location: I6 caboose landed hitting the ground face first "ouch...." then as he laid there is paracute opened "isnt that nice, a have a blanket to tuck me in" he slowly got up and looked around "hello!....hello! anyone around....red rover red rover" caboose started wondering east "are we there yet....im hungry....im thristy....i need to use the bathroom" he would talk to himself as he walked around. Ending: I6 heading to I7