To update my views: I will never take modern feminism seriously when shit like [url=]this[/url] is given significantly more time, effort, funding, and even celebrity support and commercialization, than, say... [url=]This immense travesty of human rights[/url]. That's not to say that there can't be good arguments from modern feminism, don't get me wrong. There can be. There are some feminists that still reflect the ideology of equality for all under the face of the law, scrutiny of the government, and ability to work and live independently. I like those feminists. I count some of them as friends even if we don't always agree on how that equality should be found, created, or even enforced... ... But seriously. I could never call myself a feminist while shit like the above example happens so staggeringly often as to warrant understanding why some would outright dismiss feminism as a lost cause at this point. (Because, really, if all it took to persuade a girl to cease and desist all leadership roles was a single [i]word[/i], then they're not fit to be leaders. As this isn't the case, bossy is [i]probably[/i] not the issue. It probably has a lot more to do with, say, biology, sociology, and psychology, and all the complexities that come with that territory... Than a [b]word[/b].)