Ruby steps next to Yang and says "I'm not going to leave you fight alone". She takes her Crescent Rose, and transforms it to [url=]Sniper mode[/url]. She points 626 with it. But 626 shoots some kind of plasma that bounces everywhere in the room. "Steady... Keep calm Ruby..." she says to herself. Lili takes her pistol and aims 626. She quickly turns to Yang and says " Bang Bang or whoever you are, don't expect us to just stand here doing nothing! And I need to do something to make Asuka jealous!" Then she sees plasma bouncing everywhere. She starts to lose her stability. Ruby and Lili Location: D-6 School --- Kunimitsu hits to a road. She takes a quick look at her target card. "James... Titan... Big guns... Better stay away from this guy", She thinks. She drinks little bit of water, and keeps moving. Location: G-4