[b]Faust[/b] "Do what you think is right Fergus" was Faust last words to Fergus. She disappeared of the ship, she went elsewhere. [b]Kepler 22b[/b] The Equestrian 1st and 2nd fleets dropped in around Kepler 22b, obviously ignoring the warnings of the EA Government to stay away from EA space. They showed no mercy, each time a Equestrian weapon was fired another one a member of the the many religions that now fought the Common Sense War lay dead. However ships clearly marked with the symbol of the Church of Faust retreated were not fired on, they were left alone as many escaped to the safety of Equestrian space. The Equestrians fleets mopped up the rest of the enemy ships, as troop carriers descended on the ground of Kepler 22b. The troops poured out in streams, there advanced armor and weapons allowing them to push back the attackers. City after city was captured as the dead of religions piled up, except those who believed in Faust. They remained protected from harm, in safety. Food and water issued to them, with warm bunks for the cold harsh nights. It wasn't long till Kepler 22b fell to the Equestrian Forces, and the flag of Equestria flew over its capital. Equestrian ships and troops flew towards other planets that were dominated by the Word of Faust, protecting her followers from the death and destruction that this war is causing. [b]Message to CoF members[/b] "Do not fear. We the Equestrians have already captured worlds that are dominated by Faust. We offer protection to any of those who believe in her, and death to those who would dare attack her children. Come now, retreat from this war."