Name: Rattle Age: 14 Appearance: Personality: Highly protective and loyal, will often think of others needs before attending to his own. In recently months however this has taken a far more negative slant, accumulating into a feeling of worthlessness, self loathing, and even suicidal tendencies. While continuing his tasks with a feeling of duty to the guild that has helped him so much over the previous months, a lack of self care and motivation plagues him: Metal that was once buffed to perfection is now rusted and dim and joints once oiled now squeak and judder. Has a almost paralyzing fear of deep water. Backstory: Claire Rumpstall had never had many friends as a child. Complications at birth had left her without full physical movement, and a mother to care for her. Her farther, professor Damian Rumpstall, was also mostly absent in her younger years. The position of great importance he held at the university keeping him away, and his protective intentions of his daughter as well as his reputation of magical prowess meant that there wasn't really anyone she could call a true friend. But as she wandered around the halls of the manor and the surrounding gardens and parks, the clicking and clattering of the crutches and harnesses she made her way around on, Claire was never really alone. As ever since she was 6, there had always been Rattle. A familiar Damian had created, not brought as a doll but crafted, each nut and bolt, each complex piece of internal structure literally a labor of love. A living breathing sentient sign that for the time he couldn't spend with her, for all the inability he had to replace the mother she never knew, he did care deeply for her. And Rattle did as well, trailing along by her side not only a protector, but as a friend. As the years went by and the small 2ft little familiar grew from a confused little creature to a 6ft loyal beast, so too did the little Claire go stronger, the harnesses and crutches falling away over the years to reveal a daring headstrong stubborn girl, amazed and interested in the world and all its bugs and beasties. But life can be the cruelest of mistresses, luck and fortune destroying and wreaking havok where it may. Claire had wanted the pictures, the actual data. Others would have been happy simply using previous research, for the simple assignment at her first year of Magic biology at the university. But that wasn't how science was done! You went and got the stuff and did the hard work yourself! Most of the time the coral reefs of *XXXX would have been fine. 99 times out of a hundred, both of them would have gone home. But on that day... something was down there as well. Something large with tentacles the size of boats. Rattle had tried his best, had done all he can, but on that day two of them had gone out on that little raft 6 months previously, and only one of them had returned. Grief can make even the greatest men tremble and act irrationally, and with Damian was no exception. He needed something to blame, some logical outlet and Rattle being her protector as the target, not wanting anything to do with the Familiar, dismissing and discarding him out of Damian's life. Rattle had not just lost Claire, but also the entire life he'd ever known. The guild had been there to pick up the pieces though. To give him help, to give him a place to stay, at the very least a small purpose in life. Aid that while Rattle felt he didn't deserve, a useless failed creation such as himself, attempting to repay some of this kindness through aiding with various 'heavy lifting' that was required, keeping him going day by day. Abilities/Equipment: Electric field: Power builds up inside of Rattle and expands up to a 7tf radius, creating a slightly transparent dome surrounding himself. This dome reduces the momentum of projectiles and takes a considerable amount of effort to walk through. The explanation of the dome back pushback objects. Only one can be created at a time, and concentration must be maintained lest the magical effect end, with thhe more impacts the field takes the effort required to keep it intact. General skills: Living in the Rumpstall household has given Rattle the chance to learn a variety of none magical skills, including cooking, cleaning, minor tailoring and other maintenance of common goods, catering, and disassembly of intruders. *I'll make a name for this if I need it :D I'll also throw up a PM with some info about Damian Rupstall.