In a general way, Joli had always liked Trespiano. It wasn't as large as Vendrello but frankly, it felt more like a community. Of course, he hated the walk. Still, it was a gorgeous morning and the mild breeze from earlier had slowly turned to a warmer one. It was nice. Finally breaking the city limits, before even seeing the bridge necessary to cross the river, Joli could hear the hustle of those setting up the festival, and those, who like him, were ready to enjoy a long day. Or so he assumed, which was, he decided, one of his major flaws; always reading other people's emotions, despite never asking, and giving into his introverted egoism. To his credit though, he was rarely wrong. Walking gingerly over the bridge, taking time to enjoy the quietly flowing water and deliberately rising sun, Joli nearly stopped to [i]smell the roses[/i], and would have if not for an unsettling feeling. For quite some time now, roughly halfway between his home and here, he felt as though someone had been watching him. He had grown aware in the last few years, as a result of training with his mother and dealing with insignificant enemies, of the feeling that emanated from those in observation. In fact, it was another one of his flaws, as one who also watches others from a distance. But, regardless, he was well prepared to deal with anything that might come, and honestly, he could just be imagining things. Making his way into Trespiano, through the north end of the market place, he noticed a coffee shop on the corner that seemed open. Stomach grumbling and the haze of morning still misting his vision, he decided now was the perfect time for coffee and a bagel. Sauntering up to the door and pushing it open, Joli was instantly rewarded with the delightful smell of breakfast. He could hardly wait!