Right when Elim walked out of the alleyway the young boy had realized that someone had seen that somewhat embarrassing scene of him cleaving a garbage bag in two. Still any possible embarrassment that Elim may have had was immediately outweighed and replaced by the possibility of these two people having seen those she was looking for. He pulled out a scroll from his pocket, turning back and walking back towards him, holding out the open scroll towards them. "Have you seen this man? Or perhaps any member of a group known as the Crimson Skull Bandits?" The scroll had a drawing of what appeared to be a man in his early thirties. The man drawn on the scroll was scruffy with an unevenly shaved beard, an eye patch over his left eye that had a skull on it, and just the general look of an evil person in the drawing. "Back in my world I heard that this group fled to this strange place and so I have come here to find them..." He was clutching the scroll a little tightly while he spoke and held it out, clutching it with a slightly angry look in his eyes that was directed at the scroll, the look being as if he really hated the person in the scroll. It was a shame to, to see hatred in the eyes of the young and hear it in their voice, as the boy didn't appear more than fifteen years of age.