The guard smirked and paid him not mind. The man that entered the tent though spoke the moment he entered. His had were covered in blood and he was busy rubbing it off with a cloth. He grinned down at Hal through a thick black beard, his eyes were pale blue, he had a scar over his left brow just enough to make it so not all the hair of his brow had grown back. He had a long nose that was slightly crooked probably from being broken more than once. He grinned at Hal, "I am Duradel, brother to the little angel you just found. But you see she's become quite the pest since her memory was lost four years ago." He scratched his chin then grabbed a seat placing it behind Hal and forcing him down into it before grabbing his own and sitting as well. "See she belongs with us, it's only her lacking memory that keeps my dear sister from killing you while you sleep." He laughed then drew a short knife, it was like nothing he had seen before it was barely over the length of a finger joint and pointed on the end with two small hoops on the handle. Hal could hear a woman's scream of agony outside of the tent, they were probably torturing her already. Duradel curled his fingers through the hoops then slammed his hand down on Hal's leg as if he was slapping his lap, he could feel the knife dig deep into the leg but it didn't do much damage, it was just painful, ideal for torturing someone without a lot of fear of killing them. "Well, since she's on their side currently, where was she taking you?" he growled. This man wasn't going to flinch while torturing Hal.