Cassandra [B]"Certainly good Sir I too am a bit hungry"[/B] she says sweetly As they enter they are greeted by the sound of a singing dwarf an his young human companion singing bawdy songs. Cassandra takes a seat at the common bench and orders fowl and a light red wine for her meal The Nymph then turns to Traben asking [B]And you sweet sir will be having?[/B] _________________________________ Darkmoon & Assallya [B]True being Queen is confining but eventually my Mistress shall have to ascend, it is the natural order of things. I believe though that her reluctance is that she feels ill at ease with the fertility aspect of her duties I myself am and have been wanting to explore that state of being but till Mistress accepts I must wait[/B] says Darkmoon with a smile [B]Well I must and away for to hunt the fox at sea I must go[/B] that said Darkmoon shifts form becoming a large black cat who then vanishes