The breeze had smacked his Promise's face until it ran red on his cheeks and nose. He had to jog to work in his heavy steel toecap boots and carrying his two heavy bags made it more difficult for him to pick up speed and even last. He thought less people would roam the streets, unfortunately for him he was wrong, he had to walk through a heard of people who pushed and shoved their ways through, some with pure ignorance and force, others trying to get out of trouble and persistent to get to where they want to go. Promise would turn the doorknob and enter the garage, in a few hours he would see the lightened sky and would have to wait a couple more hours for the dark. [b]"Morning"[/b] , he said quietly. The grown men working on the Gumi ships replied with rough voices, spanners and wrenches squeaked and scampered. The machines were that painted the blocks were usually off in the morning but for some unknown reason they were on. The plain, dull blocks being painted red,yellow, even orange for the standard model. Promises carefully put his belongings in the locker and took time locking it in a lockup. His tool kit slung over his shoulder as he watched awaited his orders from his mentor. [b] "Alright, Enrique I want you to take these blocks and put them in painter, they need to be coloured".[/b] Promise nodded, quickly he bent and picked up the basket of blocks, he would place them on the machine carefully, finishing quickly he would await his next task. [b]"Guess what we got today Redhead, there's a couple of guys here wanting their ship sorted."[/b] The muscular man leaned closer to Promise and lowered his voice. [b]"These cukes seem dodgey, mysterious men and all, wearing red and all and dress funny...But the money is good so don't mess up mate, you will be accompanied by Francis."[/b] His tone was below the commoner, however it carried the authority of king to Enrique's ears. Promise would nod and get ready. [b]"Alright I will find Francis straight away, hopefully we can get this ship up and running like a true beaut."[/b] He was trying to blend in with by using the grammar, he scanned the man's face and a little smile would appear as he began to accept the moulding. Promise would begin his powerwalk to Francis in the 6th bay.