[quote=Dark Eternity] So Early Access will start within the next 24-or-so hours. I am totally hyped for this :3Unfortunately, it appears that the majority of responses over here are doing an Aldmeri Dominion character. Sorry, but this is unacceptable for me. There is no superior race, only a race that is dumber on social terms than others, and the Aldmeri never had any great social qualities. Heck, even in Morrowind they were scum. The first time I met an Aldmeri in Morrowind was going like "Be gone, vile spawn!". This has not changed once within the Elder Scrolls series, unless you were playing Aldmeri yourself, but even then, the NPCs were like "Nice magic, but I can do WAY better." Just hate those pompous bastards.Sorry, but I keep venturing inside the Ebonheart or check out the Daggerfall regions. I might post my character names over here, once I have gotten back into the game. [/quote] *Altmer The Al[I]d[/I]mer were the O.G. mer, which the altmer claim direct descendence from and thus their alleged racial purity. The Aldmeri Dominion is pretty much a call back to the Aldmer's former reign, even though the aldmer no longer exist. Besides, it's not all about being a high elf. Khajiit's where it's at.