The sinister smile on Tagorn's face grew as the boy, now known to be James, started to piece together the little lesson he was trying to give him. "That's right kid distractions. They'll get you more coin than a blade can any day." It was when his final words of advice left his mouth that he smelt it, the faint aroma that no one else in the tavern could of picked up. The smirk on Tagorn's face slowly faded away as he tried to get a sense of what was happening, he got the unmistakable sent of blood, and a lot of it, coming from up stairs. In a lot of his past experiences people had tried to bait him out with blood, like he was sort of mindless animal. But this was different he caught the faint sounds of clashing above him then the muffled sound of someone speaking. "I am.. son of..." He trained his ears even harder to try to pick up on the conversation more clearly, closing his eyes he and tilting his head slightly, only to be met with the sound of glass shattering and the sound of a body falling in water out side. With that Tagorn was out of his chair in the corner and dawning his hood and mask. "Give me a moment kid, I got something to check out." His voice came out a muffled whisper before he pulled out a small pouch of coin out of his pocket, the one he stole from the dock worker he feed off of earlier, and placed it on the table. "That's because you gave me a distraction kid." He smirked before leaving the table and heading up the stairs of the tavern, making sure his face avoided the lights of the candles. As he headed to the seconded floor he was met with a locked door, a very common obstacle for him. He picked the lock, breaking his pick on the first attempt, but soon found that the door was barred. "Why can't things be simple?" He complained before taking a step back from the door and kicking it with a surprising force. The door broke free and swung open reviling the gruesome seen behind it. The sight of a disembodied head was not new to Tagorn, but the sight of the one handed Redguard did take him by surprise. "Rough day eh boy?" He asked as he looked toward the broken window. "Think you might have to pay for that." He smirked before stepping forward through the doorway.