[b]The Meeting Place: The Story Of Unicron[/b] "I am Overseer Agent Rohnosc Rastun, though I doubt both of you know about my organization. I gather you are already aware of my presence, which is why I chose to openly communicate. With that said, I must ask what your purpose here is." With his theory all but confirmed Brainwave prepares to reveal the history of the greatest monster the Transformers multiverse has ever produced, well the greatest monster anyone wants to acknowledge anyways... Megatron observes the behavior of the new mech studying its every move. "Hm, very clever. Making himself visible to mack contact but far enough away to minimize the chance of attack. He is very shrewd, if he can't be reasoned with me must destroy him quickly." "Yes Joe, I agree." Adjusting his com signal to match Rastun Brainwave sends his reply. "I'm curious why you care what our intentions are but since I suspect we want the same thing I'll indulge you. We're here to prevent the spread of a deadly anomaly that once threatened our home multiverse with total annihilation. It was spawned by the death of one of our local deities who desires nothingness in the most literal sense of the word. His entire purpose is to destroy everything that exists leaving an empty void. Even in death this cannot be stopped. The anomaly is a cataclysmic black hole that devours all, I do mean that quite literally, and very nearly succeeded in doing that to our multiverse if not for his brother destroying it though this resulted in restoring his physical form. And now the singularity has returned here, in a place it never should have existed, and it shall merge with another anomaly in the near future amplifying its power to levels I dare not consider. Simply put if it is not stopped everything everywhere will be in danger." Megatron subtly prepares to initiate his plan if the reply they get isn't acceptable and the pair waits for Rastun's response to the nightmare scenario presented to him.