[quote=Dervish] I am well aware. But as they say, the path to hell is paved with good intentions. Do you think any of the revolutionaries expected to end up in a dictatorship? No. But that's what happens when you throw a select few people in absolute power. The whole Marxism thing has been tried before and inevitably ended up in a totalitarian hell, regardless of what inspired it. As Winston Churchill said, "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others." The only people who are predisposed to Marxism are either desperate, poor, or don't know any better, as it's historically been a disaster every time. I can guarantee most in the developed world, very few would be willing to pay the cost to attempt to transition to that kind of government.Regardless, there's several million lost souls who would argue semantics over what you'd call the government that killed them. [/quote] But we can't overlook the fact that capitalism continues to kill people every day. It's not a one-way street. We can't pretend like Marxism is some evil demon here.