[quote=Dervish] You would have to completely overturn an entire government, which typically only happens if the current government has made life so miserable for the average person that they feel the only option they have is to rise up and rebel, often at the risk of their own life. Say what you will, but the quality of life in most Western nations is the best anyone's ever had it. It's not perfect, but not worth taking a wild gamble over that historically has lead to ruin, which was the point I'm trying to illustrate. Also, despite your insinuation that children are indoctrinated to hate communism (or reject or embrace a number of other things), people aren't inherently stupid. They can make decisions for themselves when they mature enough and start learning about the world on their own. You obviously came to your admiration of communism on your own instead of being taught to love its virtues from your parents (I could be wrong, but I assume this is the case), other people are the exact same way on a number of different issues. [/quote] Fortunately I live in Australia where the propaganda is low and am a inherent bookworm so I was able to figure out that "Hey, something ain't right here". In other western countries the right wing media has a very strong influence over the masses and when someone can influence the hearts of the people then the people will believe whatever they are told, FOX I'm looking at you.