Oh yeah… today was the day of the Summer Festival. It was usually held the first week of summer to celebrate the warm weather, or something. Cyril didn’t know or did he care. He just stayed indoors, and sometimes he would walk along the beach. He didn’t want to be around that many people, since there was bound to be someone drunk in the mix. And drunk people meant trouble. They usually caused havoc and… he didn’t like that kind of stuff. Rolling his eyes at the reminder, he blinked in surprise when someone brushed past him. He was about to spin around and confront the person when he was distracted by… [i]this one[/i]. His brow furrowed at his offer, and a scowl crossed his features. [b]”Do you really expect me to go to your place?”[/b] Cyril questioned rudely. [b]”I wouldn’t even walk one footstep by your side. I’m telling you to buy me new eggs, not drag me around the whole town of Trespiano.”[/b]