the world of Indra... a once verdant paradise, raged into a never ending desert by generations of war. a war, against a force wrought from a fallen avatar of primal hunger. for as long as the times were told, the Indrians were at the brink of defeat, forced to hold their ground within the Seven tiered citadels of the great clans. and banishing the clanless to walk the wastes, where death surely awaited them. at least until now. A new leader has arisen among the wastes. calling himself Indralia. he's banded together those forced to wander the barrens..forged them into a fighting force able to fight off the Voidspawn. and now, He comes to the Citadel of Darkhold, seeking further aid. Aid, which I..Trayan Kale Darkhold, shall provide. at least until a more favorable situation Arises.