Somewhere... "How old do you think it is? 10 Trillion? A hundred Trillion? Why would it be so heavily sealed, what secrets lie within..." Primicerii meeting They stood in silence around the holoterminal, sharing their thoughts and seeing events. Some of their thoughts leaked out in words "...Alliance must be saved..." One 'leaked' and a second leaked his own "Affirmed... Equiis pact is..." The second said, but then stopped short "Wait! The masters return!" They said in unision "Dawn..." Above Gaia The Overseer looked in disbelief at the screen "The masters return..." He said to himself, taking a quick moment to compose himself before he danced his hands over the terminal, opening a communication "Yes, Praelatus Meus, we shall assist in the guests safe passage" He said, as the Defence Master peered over his shoulder, saucer wide eyes squinting as he examined the screen. The scans definitely showed Aetherii... The Draconians had failed... "Aetherii... They live..." He said slowly "The Masters live..." And Collective channels buzzed to life, the discovery eclipsing everything else. The Equiis pact, that likely would have warranted some discussion, was given merely a passing mention. The Draconian Augmentation demonstration was suddenly secondary to the observers, even the discovery on the fringes of space was mostly eclipsed