When he pass he paused for a moment and pulled out a scroll from his pocket, turning back and walking back towards them. He held out a scroll towards them. "Have you seen this man? Or perhaps any member of a group known as the Crimson Skull Bandits?" The scroll had a drawing of what appeared to be a man in his early thirties. The man drawn on the scroll was scruffy with an unevenly shaved beard, an eye patch over his left eye that had a skull on it, and just the general look of an evil person in the drawing. "Back in my world I heard that this group fled to this strange place and so I have come here to find them..." He was clutching the scroll a little tightly while he spoke and held it out. Moon In-Sun watched her as she studied the scroll. Serene's head was swimming in memories or maybe they where just thoughts. She did not know. As she closed her eyes slivers of memory came back to her. But all she could see where blurs of black in red in what seemed to be almost fighting motions but nothing clear. The more she tried to think about it the more her head became heavy and she leaned against the wall. Moon In-Sun held on to her and explained to the young boy. " Sir, I am sorry but she has lost her memory. We have come her to find something to jogg it back. She was in a fight down this alley way and we where hope to find something to help her remember." Serene opened her eyes as he spoke and there staring at her was a dark figure. She felt cold and quickly closed her eyes and held tighter on to Moon In-Sun. As she opened them again the fiuagr was gone.