So they didn't know. Well while Elim was heavily disappointed she was not surprised as he quickly rolled the scroll back up and put it back in his pocket. Apparently the girl among the pair had lost her memory, Elim looking at her for a moment. "Your lucky. Sometimes its better to live and not know the truth. This way you can begin to create new memories and start a new life." With that last remark the boy gave a polite bow of thanks, as was custom in his own world, before straightening back up and without much further remark bade them farewell with a small wave before walking off. After all, Elim didn't have much time to waste with small conversation. He had people to kill after all and in order to kill those people she had to find them first, which Elim did not want to waste time on as the more time she wasted the higher the chance that her prey could have already gone out of the reach of her blade. He figured instead of the market though a port would be more ideal. Ships in and out, either those strange flying ships or regular ones that sailed on the water, had to be a more ideal location to gather information. After all the people Elim was after had come here in one of those flying ships. So without much further ado the young swordsman quickly began to run towards where he remembered the port being from when he entered this world in one of those flying ships. They had to be here. He wouldn't stop looking until his blade found their black hearts, his hand tightly clutching the hilt of his sword as he ran as his eyes always made sure to scan her surroundings in case they were somewhere hidden in the crowd.